State Distinction
As Styrian pumpkin seed oil continues to enjoy greater popularity, it is essential that certain quality criteria are met. As a result of the EU-sponsored project "Höherqualifizierung Steirisches Kürbiskernöl“, a project concentrated on maintaining and increasing the quality of Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil P.G.I., yearly state distinctions and prizes have been established. Pumpkin Seed Oil producers can voluntarily enter their oil in the competition, where it will be subjected to rigorous evaluation of its natural qualities. It is necessary to fulfill a number of quality criteria, such as: chemical analysis, physical qualities, sensory character (smell, taste, colour intensity), as well as food labelling requirements. When an oil passes this evaluation, the producers are awarded a State Distinction, which can then also be used for advertisement purposes (use of the gold plaque "Prämierter Steirischer Kernölbetrieb"). In 2014, the State Distinctions for Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil P.G.I. were awarded for the 15th time, whereby each year has set a new entrant record. The provisions set by the state distinctions demand, among other things, that the pumpkin seed oil producers must continually improve their knowledge and products. Meaning that you, as a consumer, can trust the quality of all of our green gold, Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil P.G.I.
Gault & Millau
Karl Hohenlohe, Birgit Reitbauer and Konstantin Filippou
Champions 2016/2017
Fotocredits: Stefan Kristoferitsch; Philipp Hutter